Wonder Woman


This is Wonder Woman, similar to how she originally appeared for DC Comics.

She is set on citrine crystals that match her colour and dark marble for contrast.

SKU: 20180406-2 Category: Tag:


This is a 1:7 scale solid bronze cast statue of Wonder Woman, mounted on marble.

Wonder Woman is shown in her standard costume with a red cape and blue skirt. I have not put the white stars on her skirt as they are quite small. Her skirt, cape, and boots were all enamelled with a heat cured decorative enamel that is virtually equivalent to hard-fired enamel.

Her cape was cast from yellow brass. Her skirt, bustier, boots, and arm bands were cast from white bronze that looks like silver. The white bronze was used to provide the metallic highlights to Wonder Woman’s boots.

Wonder Woman was cast in silicon bronze. Her hair was given a liver of sulphur patina to oxidize and darken the metal.

The work was mounted on a custom made marble base. Wonder Woman is pinned into a citrine mounted to the marble base.

Wonder Woman contains over 1 kg of bronze, fully cast and assembled. Her cape weighs more than 200 grams.

The white bronze includes 58% copper, 1% lead and various amounts of manganese, zinc and aluminum. The silicon bronze contains 95% Cu, 4% Si, 1% Mn. The yellow brass has 63% copper, 1% lead, and various amounts of zinc and tin.

Height: 26 cm
Width: 15 cm
Depth: 15 cm
Weight: 1.9 kg