Tag Archives: faerie

The Iron Faerie

The Iron Faerie


When I took my product photos for my faeries I had forgotten to mount a gemstone inside the flower petals on the faerie’s hair. So, I have to redo these photos. But, you might just as well see what my Iron Faerie looks like. She is mounted on a piece of Limonite from Morrocco. Limonite […]

Faerie on Twig

Faerie on Twig 6


I have finished my faerie and I took pictures to post this as a product, but then I realized that I forgot to put a gemstone into the centre of the flower in the faerie’s hair. So, here you go. These are some of my better quality pictures that are not taken in my workshop. […]

Faerie on Twig

Faerie on Twig 5


I have cut and polished and drilled and pinned my granite and marble bases for my faeries. Working with stone can be fun, but it is much harder to cut and drill granite than marble. It’s also challenging if I am working with special stones such as the Limonite (iron ore) that I am using […]

Faerie on Twig

Faerie on Twig 4


I have finished assembling the faerie’s twig and I cast the final set of wings for my faerie yesterday. I have actually made two faeries, but only one will sit on the twig. The other faerie will sit on an outcropping of limonite that I have. Limonite is iron ore, for those who don’t know. […]

Faerie on Twig

Faerie on Twig 3


Hooray, I have mostly finished putting my fairy and twig together. This work requires that the castings be cleaned and prepared for assembly. I call this soldering, but it is really known as brazing. Brazing joins two metals by heating and melting a filler that bonds to the two pieces of metal and joins them. […]

Faerie on Twig

Faerie on Twig 2


I have now cast all the parts, except for the wings, for my faerie and the twig. The faerie was cast in ancient bronze as this has a nice red coloring to the metal. I cast her shoes and collar in white bronze as accent pieces. The twig and leaves were cast in silicon bronze […]

Fairie on Twig

Faerie on Twig 1


I have started to cast my sculpture of a faerie on a twig. This work was planned for the spring of 2018. This faerie is of the type I like to do because it is more than just a figurine. I plan to put some coloured quartz or crystals on the piece when I put […]